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  1. Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Ramadhan, R., Muharsyah, R., Vonnisa, M., Harmadi, H., & Tangang, F. (2023). Diurnal cycle of precipitation over coastal sea and small islands in the eastern region of Sumatra including season and Madden Julian Oscillation signatures. Atmospheric Research, 107180.
  2. Jumianti, N., Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Ramadhan, R., Harjupa, W., Saufina, E., … & Sarli, P. W. (2023). Prediction of extreme rain in Kototabang using Himawari-8 satellite based on differences in cloud brightness temperature. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 101102.
  3. Szkolka, W. R., Baranowski, D. B., Flatau, M. K., Marzuki, M., Shimomai, T., & Hashiguchi, H. (2023). Diurnal Cycle of Tropospheric Winds over West Sumatra and Its Variability Associated with Various Climate and Weather Modes. Atmosphere14(10), 1521.
  4. Marzuki, M., Ramadhan, R., Yusnaini, H., Vonnisa, M., Safitri, R., & Yanfatriani, E. (2023). Changes in Extreme Rainfall in New Capital of Indonesia (IKN) Based on 20 Years of GPM-IMERG Data. Trends in Sciences20(11), 6935-6935.
  5. Ramadhan, R., Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Muharsyah, R., Tangang, F., Vonnisa, M., & Harmadi, H. (2023). A Preliminary Assessment of the GSMaP Version 08 Products over Indonesian Maritime Continent against Gauge Data. Remote Sensing15(4), 1115.
  6. Marzuki, M., Ramadhan, R., Yusnaini, H., Renggono, F., Vonnisa, M., & Hashiguchi, H. (2023). Comparison of vertical profile of raindrop size distribution from micro rain radar with global precipitation measurement over Western Java Island. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment29, 100885.
  7. Ramadhan, R., Marzuki, M., Suryanto, W., Sholihun, S., Yusnaini, H., Muharsyah, R., & Hanif, M. (2022). Trends in rainfall and hydrometeorological disasters in new capital city of Indonesia from long-term satellite-based precipitation products. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment28, 100827.
  8. MARZUKI, M., HAMIDI, M., AHADI, S., PUTRA, A., AFDAL, A., HARMADI, H., … & MARSYAM, I. (2022). ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with the Sumatra-Pagai Islands earthquake swarm during 2020. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy52(2), 185-207.
  9. Vonnisa, M., Shimomai, T., Hashiguchi, H., & Marzuki, M. (2022). Retrieval of vertical structure of raindrop size distribution from equatorial atmosphere radar and boundary layer radar. Emerging Science Journal6(3), 448-459.
  10. Ramadhan, R., Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Muharsyah, R., Suryanto, W., Sholihun, S., … & Hashiguchi, H. (2022). Capability of GPM IMERG Products for Extreme Precipitation Analysis over the Indonesian Maritime Continent. Remote Sensing, 14(2), 412.
  11. Ramadhan, R., Yusnaini, H., Marzuki, M., Muharsyah, R., Suryanto, W., Sholihun, S., … & Tokay, A. (2022). Evaluation of GPM IMERG Performance Using Gauge Data over Indonesian Maritime Continent at Different Time Scales. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1172.
  12. Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Tangang, F., Muharsyah, R., Vonnisa, M., & Harmadi, H. (2022). Land–sea contrast of diurnal cycle characteristics and rain event propagations over Sumatra according to different rain duration and seasons. Atmospheric Research, 270, 106051.
  13. Harjupa, W., Abdillah, M. R., Azura, A., Putranto, M. F., Marzuki, M., Nauval, F., … & Fathrio, I. (2022). On the utilization of RDCA method for detecting and predicting the occurrence of heavy rainfall in Indonesia. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 25, 100681.
  14. Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Ramadhan, R., Tangang, F., Amirudin, A. A. B., Hashiguchi, H., … & Vonnisa, M. (2021). Characteristics of Precipitation Diurnal Cycle over a Mountainous Area of Sumatra Island including MJO and Seasonal Signatures Based on the 15-Year Optical Rain Gauge Data, WRF Model and IMERG. Atmosphere, 13(1), 63.
  15. R. Ramadhan, Marzuki, Harmadi, 2021, Vertical Characteristics of Raindrops Size Distribution over Sumatra Region from Global Precipitation Measurement Observation, Emerging Science Journal, 5(3), 257-268.
  16. Marzuki, M., Suryanti, K., Yusnaini, H., Tangang, F., Muharsyah, R., Vonnisa, M., & Devianto, D. (2021). Diurnal variation of precipitation from the perspectives of precipitation amount, intensity and duration over Sumatra from rain gauge observations. International Journal of Climatology.
  17. Baranowski, D.B., Flatau, M.K., Flatau, P.J., Dwikorita Karnawati, Katarzyna Barabasz, Michal Labuz, Beata Latos, Jerome M. Schmidt, Jaka A. I. Paski & Marzuki  Social-media and newspaper reports reveal large-scale meteorological drivers of floods on Sumatra. Nat Commun 11, 2503 (2020).
  18. Ramadhan, R., Marzuki, Vonnisa, M. et al. Diurnal Variation in the Vertical Profile of the Raindrop Size Distribution for Stratiform Rain as Inferred from Micro Rain Radar Observations in Sumatra. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 37, 832–846 (2020).
  19. Marzuki; Harysandi, Dea Kurnia; Oktaviani, Rini; Meylani, Lisna; Vonnisa, Mutya; et al.International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) P.837-6 and P.837-7 performance to estimate Indonesian rainfall, TELKOMNIKA; Vol. 18, Iss. 5,  (Oct 2020): 2292-2303. DOI:10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v18i5.14316
  20. Syafrijon, Marzuki, Emriadi, Aziz, H., Pratama, R., 2019, Diurnal variations in the concentrations of PM10 at several locations in Indonesia, Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment
  21. Elfira Saufina, Marzuki, Mutya Vonnisa, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Harmadi, 2018. Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Lightning Activity Over West Sumatra and Its Correlation with Precipitation TypeMakara Journal of Science, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 95-104.
  22. Syafrijon, Marzuki, Emriadi, Ridho Permata, 2018, Relationship between MODIS-based Aerosol Optical Depth and PM10 over Sumatra to Overcome the Limitations of Air Quality Monitoring Data Availability, Oriental Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 34. No. 4, pp. 2163-2169.
  23. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, Mutya Vonnisa, Harmadi, Masaki Katsumata, 2018: Determination of Intraseasonal Variation of Precipitation Microphysics in the Southern Indian Ocean from Joss-Waldvogel Disdrometer Observation during CINDY Field Campaign, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35 (11): 1415 -1427 .   DOI: 10.1007/s00376-018-8026-5
  24. Marzuki, Vonnisa, M., Rahayu, A., Hashiguchi, H., 2017, Cloud Statistics over the Indonesian Maritime Continent during the First and the Second CPEA Campaigns, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 189, 1 June 2017, Pp. 99–110.
  25. Nauval, F., Marzuki, H, Hashiguchi, 2017, Regional and Diurnal Variations of Rain Attenuation Obtained from Measurement of Raindrop Size Distribution over Indonesia at Ku, Ka and W Bands, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 57, 25-34
  26. Marzuki, Hashiguchi, H., Kozu, T., Shimomai, T., Shibagaki, Y., Takahashi, Y., 2016, Precipitation Microstructure in Different Madden–Julian Oscillation Phases over Sumatra, Atmospheric Research, Vol. 168, pp. 121-138.
  27. Rahayu, A., Marzuki, Vonnisa, M., 2016, Statistical Properties of Cloud Propagation over Sumatra during CPEA-I, Makara Journal of Science, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 181-192.
  28. Indrayani, W., Marzuki, Vonnisa, M., 2016, Estimation of Raindrop Size Distribution Parameters Using Rain Attenuation Data of Ku-Band Communications Satellite, Makara Journal of Science, Vol 20, No 3, pp. 145-154.
  29. Marzuki, Hashiguchi, H., Shimomai, T., and Randeu, W. L., 2016, Cumulative Distribution of Rainfall Rate over Sumatra, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 49, pp. 1-8
  30. Marzuki, Hashiguchi, H., Shimomai, T., Rahayu, I., Vonnisa, M., and Afdal, 2016, Performance evaluation of Micro Rain Radar over Sumatra through comparison with disdrometer and wind profiler, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 50, pp.33-46.
  31. Marzuki, M., Hashiguchi, H., Yamamoto, M. K., Mori, S., and Yamanaka, M. D.: Regional variability of raindrop size distribution over IndonesiaAnn. Geophys., 31, 1941-1948, doi:10.5194/angeo-31-1941-2013, 2013.
  32. Marzuki, Hashiguchi, H., Yamamoto, M. K., Yamamoto. M., Mori, S., Yamanaka, M. D., Carbone, R. E., and Tuttle, J. D.: Cloud episode propagation over the Indonesian Maritime Continent from 10 years of infrared brightness temperature observationsAtmos. Res., 120-121, 268-286, 2013.
  33. Marzuki, Randeu, W. L., Kozu, T., Shimomai, T., Hashiguchi, H., and Schoenhuber, M.: Raindrop axis ratios, fall velocities and size distribution over Sumatra from 2D-Video Disdrometer measurement, in: Michaelides, S. (Eds.) Advances in Precipitation Science, Atmos. Res., 119, 23-37, 2013.
  34. Hiyoyuki Hashiguchi, Yoshikazu Tabata, Masayuki K. Yamamoto, Marzuki, Shuichi Mori, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Fadli Syamsudin, Timbul Manik, 2013, Observational study on diurnal precipitation cycle over indonesian maritime continent,Journal of Disaster Research 8 (1), 137-138.
  35. Marzuki, Randeu, W. L., Kozu, T., Shimomai, T., Schoenhuber, M. and Hashiguchi, H.: Estimation of raindrop size distribution parameters by maximum likelihood and L-moment methods: Effect of discretization,Atmos. Res., 112, 1-11, 2012.
  36. Marzuki, M., Randeu, W. L., Schoenhuber, M., Bringin, V. N., Kozu, T. and Shimomai, T.: Raindrop size distribution parameters of distrometer data with different bin sizesIEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 48, 3075–3080, 2010.
  37. Marzuki, M., Walter L Randeu, Franz Teschl, Michael Schonhuber, Wendi Harjupa, Complex Permittivity Measurements of Rainwater in the 0.5–26.5 GHz Frequency Range, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 7, pp. 487-490, 2010.
  38. Muhammad SALEEM AWAN, Erich LEITGEB, MARZUKI, Thomas PLANK,A Study of Fog Characteristics using Free-Space Optical Wireless Links,Radioengineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2010.
  39. Muhammad Saeed Khan, Muhammad Saleem AWAN, Sajid SHEIKH MUHAMMAD, Muhammad FAISAL, Marzuki, Farukh NADEEM, Erich LEITGEB, Probabilistic model for free-space optical links under continental fog conditionsRadioengineering, VOL. 19, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2010.
  40. Marzuki, Kozu, T., Shimomai, T., Randeu, W. L., Hashiguchi, H., and Vonnisa, M.: Raindrop size distributions of convective rain over equatorial Indonesia during the first CPEA campaignAtmos. Res., 96, 645-655, 2010.
  41. Marzuki, Kozu, T., Shimomai, T., Randeu, W. L., Hashiguchi, H., and Shibagaki, Y.: Diurnal variation of rain attenuation obtained from measurement of raindrop size distribution in equatorial IndonesiaIEEE Trans. Ant. Propag., 57, 1191-1196, 2009.
  42. Kozu, T., Shimomai, T., Akramin, Z., Marzuki, Shibagaki, Y., and Hashiguchi, H.: Intraseasonal variation of raindrop size distribution at Koto Tabang, West Sumatra, IndonesiaGeophys. Res. Lett., 32, L07803, doi:10.1029/2004GL022340, 2005.

—————– BOOKS/CHAPTERS ——————

  1. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, M. Vonnisa and Harmadi, 2018: Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Vertical Profile of Precipitation over Indonesian Maritime Continent. Engineering and Mathematical Topics in Rainfall, H. Theodore and P. Rao, Eds. InTechOpen, Croatia.


  1. Ulfah, S., Marzuki, M., & Susilo, A. (2021). Analysis Vulnerability Disaster of Landslide in Lantan Village Using Geoelectric Data and Sentinel Image. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA7(4), 794-801.
  2. Ramadhan, R., Marzuki, M., Vonnisa, M., Harmadi, H., Hashiguchi, H., & Shimomai, T. (2021). Comparison of Bright Band Radar from GPM and MRR Observation in West Sumatera. Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA)11(1).
  3. Suryanti, K., Fitriyani, D., Muharsyah, R., & Marzuki, M. (2020)  Analisis Variasi Diurnal Curah Hujan di Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Data Rain Gauge dan IMERG. POSITRON10(2), 80-87.
  4. Sri Herlinda, Dian Fitriyani, Marzuki Marzuki, Analisis Pengaruh Kuat Arus dan Tegangan Terhadap Kualitas Citra Computed Tomography (CT) Scan Siemens Perspective di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang, Positron, Vol 9, No 1 (2019).


  1. Aprilia, B., Marzuki, Taufiq, I., & Renggono, F. (2022). Evaluation of ANN-backpropagation method to classify convective and stratiform rains from micro rain radar observation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2391, No. 1, p. 090007). AIP Publishing LLC.
  2. Primadona, H., Marzuki, Shafii, M. A., & Hashiguchi, H. (2022). Diurnal varian in cloud vertical structure over Sumatra from radiosonde observations during CPEA-I and CPEA-II campaigns. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2391, No. 1, p. 090017). AIP Publishing LLC.
  3. Ramadhan, R. & Marzuki, M. (2021, April). Vertical structure of raindrop size distribution over West Sumatera from global precipitation measurement (GPM) observation. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1876, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing.
  4. Lismalini, Marzuki, M., Shafii, M. A., & Yusnaini, H. (2021, April). Relationship between cloud vertical structures inferred from radiosonde humidity profiles and precipitation over Indonesia. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1876, No. 1, p. 012011). IOP Publishing.
  5. Aprilia, B., Marzuki, M., & Taufiq, I. (2021, April). Performance of backpropagation artificial neural network to predict el nino southern oscillation using several indexes as onset indicators. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1876, No. 1, p. 012004). IOP Publishing.
  6. Dswilan, S., Harmadi & Marzuki, M. (2021, April). Flood monitoring system using ultrasonic sensor SN-SR04T and SIM 900A. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1876, No. 1, p. 012003). IOP Publishing.
  7. Costrada, A. N., Harmadi, Marzuki, M., & Kemal, B. M. (2021, April). Landslide monitoring system based on fiber optic sensor and CCD TSL1401CL linear sensor array. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1876, No. 1, p. 012002). IOP Publishing.
  8. Yusnaini, H., Marzuki, M., Muharsyah, R., Vonnisa, M., & Tangang, F. (2021, April). Influence of topography on lightning density in Sumatra. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1876, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.
  9. Wirma, S. L. and Marzuki (2021, February). Relationship of solar activity with magnetosphere and ionosphere disturbance during Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Event on September 6, 2017. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1816, No. 1, p. 012096). IOP Publishing.
  10. Lismalini, Marzuki, Long-term change in characteristics of cloud vertical structures in Padang from radiosonde observations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012058
  11. R Ramadhan, Marzuki, M Vonnisa, Harmadi, H Hashiguhci, T Shimomai, Seasonal variation in the vertical profile of the raindrop size distribution for stratiform rain as inferred from micro rain radar observations at Kototabang, AIP Conference Proceedings 2221 (1), 090002
  12. Krisna Suryati, Marzuki, et al., Diurnal Rainfall Variability in West Sumatra from Rain Gauge Observation, AIP Conference Proceedings 2221, 090003 (2020);
  13. H Yusnaini and Marzuki, Diurnal variation of radar reflectivity factor during intense convective clouds over Indonesia, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1528, 4th International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology 14th November 2019, Padang, Indonesia
  14. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, S. Nugroho, Muzirwan, M. Vonnisa and Harrnadi, “Regional Variability of Raindrop Size Distributions in Indonesia as Inferred from Principal Component Analysis,” 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS-Spring), Rome, Italy, 2019, pp. 1597-1601.
  15. Marzuki et al., “Characteristics of Rain Attenuation for Microwave-to-terahertz Waveband from Raindrop Size Distribution Observation in Indonesia,” 2019 PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium – Spring (PIERS-Spring), Rome, Italy, 2019, pp. 362-367.
  16. Yusnaini, H., & ., Marzuki M. (2019). Vertical Distribution of Radar Reflectivity Factor in Intense Convective Clouds over Indonesia. KnE Engineering, 1(2), 141–147.
  17. Rini, O., & ., Marzuki M. (2019). Estimation of Rainfall Rate Cumulative Distribution in Indonesia Using Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation Data. KnE Engineering, 1(2), 141–147. 10.18502/keg.v1i2.4450.
  18. Marzuki and H Hashiguchi and M Vonnisa and  Harmadi and T Shimomai and M Yoseva and E Saufina, 2019, Performance of Principal Component Analysis to Classify Precipitation Type from Raindrop Size Distribution Data at Kototabang, Indonesia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
  19. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, M. Vonnisa, Harmadi, Muzirwan, Sugeng Nugroho, Meri Yoseva, 2018. Z-R Relationships for Weather Radar in Indonesia from the Particle Size and Velocity (Parsivel) Optical Disdrometer, PIERS 2018, Toyama, 1-4 Agustus 2018 (oral).
  20. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, M. Vonnisa, Harmadi, Long-term Change in Rainfall Rate and Melting Layer Height in Indonesia, PIERS 2018, Toyama, 1-4 Agustus 2018 (poster).
  21. Marzuki, Rini Oktaviani, L. Meylani, H. Hashiguchi, M. Vonnisa, H. Harmadi, One-minute Rain Rate Distribution in Indonesia Derived from TRMM, GPM and GSMAP Data, PIERS 2018, Toyama, 1-4 Agustus 2018 (poster).
  22. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, M. Vonnisa, Harmadi, Regional and Diurnal Variations of Lightning, Precipitation and Hydrometeor Characteristics along Equatorial Indonesia, JPGU meeting 2018, Chiba, PEM13-P05. (poster).
  23. Marzuki, T. Kozu, T. Shimomai, Y. Fujiyoshi, Zainul Akramin. Vertical Profile of Precipitation from Zenith-Looking Radars at Koto Tabang, West Sumatra. Nippon Kisho Gakkai 2004.
  24. Marzuki, Toshiaki Kozu, Toyoshi shimomai, Zainul Akramin, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Y. Fujiyoshi. The influence of intraseasonal variation on vertical profile of reflectivity (VPR) as inferred from zenith looking radars at Koto Tabang, west Sumatra. The Meteorological Society of Japan Meeting 2005.
  25. Marzuki, Toshiaki Kozu, Toyoshi Shimomai. Raindrop size distributions of tropical precipitation over West Sumatera ISAP 2006, Singapore.
  26. Marzuki, Wizri Yasir, Toshiaki Kozu, Toyoshi shimomai. Characteristics of Cloud Vertical Structure in West Sumatra Derived from Radiosonde Soundings International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ICMNS), Bandung November 2006.
  27. GJ Huang, VN Bringi, M Schönhuber, M Thurai, T Shimomai, T Kozu, M Marzuki, W Harujpa. Drop shape and canting angle distributions in rain from 2-D video disdrometer, 33rd Conference on Radar Meteorology; Australia 08/2007.
  28. M.S. Awan, E. Leitgeb, S.S. Muhammad, Marzuki, F. Nadeem, M.S. Khan, C. Capsoni. Distribution function for continental and maritime fog environments for optical wireless communication. Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 2008. CNSDSP 2008. 6th International Symposium on; 08/2008.
  29. M.S. Awan, C. Capsoni, E. Leitgeb, R. Nebuloni, Marzuki, F. Nadeem, M.S. Khan. FSO-Relevant New Measurement Results under Moderate Continental Fog Conditions at Graz and Milan. Advanced Satellite Mobile Systems, 2008. ASMS 2008.
  30. M.S. Awan, E. Leitgeb, C. Capsoni, R. Nebuloni, Marzuki, F. Nadeem, M.S. Khan. Attenuation Analysis for Optical Wireless Link Measurements under Moderate Continental Fog Conditions at Milan and Graz. Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008. VTC 2008-Fall. IEEE 68th; 10/2008.
  31. M.S. Awan, E. Leitgeb, Marzuki, M.S. Khan, F. Nadeem, C. Capsoni.  Evaluation of fog attenuation results for optical wireless links in free space. Satellite and Space Communications, 2008. IWSSC 2008. IEEE International Workshop on; 11/2008.
  32. M.S. Awan, Marzuki, E. Leitgeb, F. Nadeem, M.S. Khan, C. Capsoni.  Weather Effects Impact on the Optical Pulse Propagation in Free Space. Vehicular Technology Conference, 2009. VTC Spring 2009. IEEE 69th; 05/2009.
  33. M.S. Awan, Marzuki, E. Leitgeb, B. Hillbrand, F. Nadeem, M.S. Khan.  Cloud attenuations for free-space optical links. Satellite and Space Communications, 2009. IWSSC 2009. International Workshop on; 10/2009.
  34. Muhammad Saleem Awan, Marzuki, Erich Leitgeb, Muhammad Saeed Khan. Optical attenuation modeling of continental fog using exponential distribution. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing, CSNDSP 2010, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK, 21-23 July 2010.
  35. Marzuki, W. L. Randeu, T. Kozu, T. Shimomai, H. Hashiguchi, M. Schoenhuber. Variability of raindrop size distribution over Sumatra and its effect on the Z-R relationship. In proceeding of: EGU General Assembly 2010.
  36. Marzuki, Walter L. Randeu, Toshiaki Kozu, Toyoshi Shimomai, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi. Effect of Rain Type on Rain Attenuation Modeling at a Tropical Location. 12th URSI Commission‐F  Triennial Open Symposium on RadioWave Propagation and Remote Sensing; 03/2011.
  37. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, M.D. Yamanaka, Suichi Mori. Variability of Precipitation Propagation over Indonesia Based on MTSAT-IR, TRMM and Wind Profiler Network Observations, The Meteorology Society of Japan 2011.
  38. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, M.K.Yamamoto, M.D.Yamanaka, S.Mori, Statistical Analysis of the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation Based on Anomalies of Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) in 1980-2010, The Meteorology Society of Japan 2012 Spring Meeting.
  39. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Toshiaki Kozu, Toyoshi Shimomai, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Suichi Mori, Raindrop size distribution observations with Parsivel and Micro Rain Radar (MRR) over Sumatra, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012.
  40. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Suichi Mori, Large scale influence on precipitation propagation over Indonesia, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2012.
  41. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Suichi Mori, J.D.Tuttle, Cloud Propagation Study over Indonesia by Adopting Tracking Radar Echo by Correlation (TREC) Method, The meteorology Society of Japan 2012 Autumn Meeting.
  42. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Suichi Mori, Raindrop Size Distribution Measurements Along Equatorial Indonesian Maritime Continent, The Meteorology Society of Japan 2012 Autumn Meeting.
  43. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Shuichi Mori, Manabu D. Yamanaka, Yukihiro Takahashi, Relationships among Lightning, Precipitation, and Hydrometeor Characteristics in Equatorial Indonesia, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013.
  44. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Masayuki Yamamoto, Toshiaki Kozu, Toyoshi Shimomai, Microstructure of Precipitation in Different MJO Phases over Sumatra, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013 (Proceeding).
  45. MARZUKI, Marzuki, HASHIGUCHI, Hiroyuki, YAMAMOTO, Masayuki, other, Microstructure of Precipitation over Indonesia from a Network of Parsivel disdrometers, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, 28 April 2014 – 2 May 2014 (poster).
  46. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Toyoshi Shimomai, T. Kozu, Y. Takahashi, Comparison of Raindrop Size Distributions in Equatorial Indonesia during Convectively Inactive and Active MJO, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Chiba, Japan, 24-28 May 2015 (oral).
  47. Marzuki, Wira Indrayani, Mutya Vonnisa, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, W. L. Randeu, T. Shimomai, T. Kozu, Y. Maekawa, Y. Shibagaki, Retrieval of Raindrop Size Distribution Parameters by Combining Rainfall Rate and Electromagnetic Wave Attenuation Data, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, Chiba, Japan, 24-28 May 2015 (poster).
  48. Marzuki, Aulya Rahayu, Mutya Vonnisa, 2015, Comparison of Cloud Propagation Over Sumatera During CPEA-I and II, AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, 2 to 7 Aug, 2015, Singapore, AS21-A017 (oral).
  49. Marzuki, Sandro Poltak, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Mamoru Yamamoto, Masayuki Yamamoto, Toyoshi Shimomai, Kozu T., 2015, Wavelet Analysis of Daily Precipitation Over Equatorial Indonesia, AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, 2 to 7 Aug, 2015, Singapore, AS21-A018 (poster)
  50. Marzuki, 2016, Variability of raindrop size distribution over Indonesia, South-East Asian School on Tropical Atmospheric Science (SEASTAS) and IWS on Extreme Weather in Changing Climate in the Maritime Continent in Bandung, Indonesia – 5-8 Jan 2016 (invited speaker).
  51. Marzuki, Rahayu, A., Vonnisa, M., Hashiguchi, H., 2016, Cloud Propagation over Sumatera during Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere Campaign I and II, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Chiba, Japan, 22-26 May 2016 (oral)
  52. Marzuki, Rahayu, I., Hashiguchi, H., Shimomai, T., 2016, Variability of Rain Microstructure over Sumatra from Micro Rain Radar Observation, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, Chiba, Japan, 22-26 May 2016 (poster).
  53. Nur Faddillah, Marzuki, Wendi Harjupa, Toyoshi Shimomai, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Comparison of Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics from Maritime and Continental Clouds, International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), August  4, 2016, Jakarta (poster).
  54. Indah Rahayu, Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguci, Toyoshi Shimomai, Vertical Structure of Raindrop Size Distribution at Kototabang as Retrieved by Micro Rain Radar, International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), August  4, 2016, Jakarta (poster).
  55. Ulfa Azmi and Marzuki, Vertical Distribution of Carbon Monoxide over Sumatera during the 2015 Forest Fires as Inferred from Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) Observations , International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), August  4, 2016, Jakarta (poster).
  56. Elfira Saufina, Marzuki and Mutya Vonnisa, Spasial and Temporal Distribution of Lightning in West Sumatera, International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), August  4, 2016, Jakarta (poster).
  57. Marzuki, Hiroyuki Hashiguchi, Harmadi, Mutya Vonnisa, Elfira Saufina and Ovandriyove, Intraseasonal and diurnal variations of vertical profile of precipitation over Indonesian maritime continent, 2nd Asia Research Node Symposium on Humanosphere Science, 19-20 July 2017, Kyoto.
  58. Marzuki, M. Katsumata, Mutya Vonnisa, Harmadi, H. Hashiguchi and  Elfira Saufina, 2017, Intreaseasonal and Diurnal Variations of Precipitation Microstructure Over Indian Ocean During CINDY Field Campaign, AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, 6 to 11 Aug, 2017, Singapore, AS14-A012 (poster).
  59. Marzuki, H. Hashiguchi, Mutya Vonnisa, Harmadi, and Elfira Saufina, 2017, Intraseasonal Variation of Morphology of the Vertical Structure of Precipitation Over Sumatra and Adjoining Oceans Based on Long-Term Measurements of TRMM PR,  AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, 6 to 11 Aug, 2017, Singapore, AS14-A013 (oral)


  1. Mery Yoseva, Mutya Vonnisa, Marzuki; Perbandingan struktur vertikal distribusi buitiran hujan antara Fase Aktif dan Tidak Aktif MJO di Sumatera dari Pengamatan EAR dan BLR, Seminar Nasional Sains Atmosfer 2017. 26 Apr 2017, LAPAN Bandung.
  2. Fadli Nauval, Marzuki, Pemodelan  distribusi buitiran hujan di Indonesia untuk Mengestimasi Atenuasi Gelombang Elektromagnetik oleh Hujan. Seminar Nasional Sains Atmosfer 2017. 26 Apr 2017, LAPAN Bandung.
  3. Ovandri Yove, Marzuki, Variasi Musiman dan Diurnal Struktur Vertikal Hujan di Sumatra dan Lautan Sekitar berdasarkan Pengamatan TRMM-PR. Seminar Nasional Sains Atmosfer 2017. 26 Apr 2017, LAPAN Bandung.
  4. Marzuki, 2015, Anomali Temperatur dan Awan Gempa yang Mengiringi Gempa Nepal 2015, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Universitas Andalas (SNFUA) 2015, Padang, 8 Oktober 2015.
  5. Marzuki, 2015, Statistik Worst Month Curah Hujan Kototabang, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Universitas Andalas (SNFUA) 2015, Padang, 8 Oktober 2015.
  6. Chandra, R., Marzuki, Vonnisa, M., Hashiguchi, H., 2015, Perbandingan Variasi Diurnal Distribusi Ukuran Butiran Hujan di Padang dan di Kototabang, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Universitas Andalas (SNFUA) 2015, Padang, 8 Oktober 2015.
  7. Rumahorbo, P. S. dan Marzuki, Karakteristik Osilasi Curah Hujan di Sumatera Barat Berdasarkan Transformasi Wavelet, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Universitas Andalas (SNFUA) 2015, Padang, 8 Oktober 2015.
  8. Marzuki, 2014, Variasi Struktur Mikro Hujan Di Sepanjang Ekuator Indonesia, Proseding SEMIRATA Bidang MIPA 2014, Bogor, 9-11 Mei.
  9. Vitri, T. dan Marzuki, 2014, Variabilitas Curah Hujan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Rekomendasi Itu-R: Studi Kasus Curah Hujan Di Kototabang, Proseding SEMIRATA Bidang MIPA 2014, Bogor, 9-11 Mei.

1.      Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Ramadhan, R., Tangang, F., Amirudin, A. A. B., Hashiguchi, H., … & Vonnisa, M. (2021). Characteristics of Precipitation Diurnal Cycle over a Mountainous Area of Sumatra Island including MJO and Seasonal Signatures Based on the 15-Year Optical Rain Gauge Data, WRF Model and IMERG. Atmosphere, 13(1), 63.

2.      Harjupa, W., Abdillah, M. R., Azura, A., Putranto, M. F., Marzuki, M., Nauval, F., … & Fathrio, I. (2022). On the utilization of RDCA method for detecting and predicting the occurrence of heavy rainfall in Indonesia. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 25, 100681.

3.      Ramadhan, R., Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Muharsyah, R., Suryanto, W., Sholihun, S., … & Hashiguchi, H. (2022). Capability of GPM IMERG Products for Extreme Precipitation Analysis over the Indonesian Maritime Continent. Remote Sensing, 14(2), 412.

4.      Ramadhan, R., Yusnaini, H., Marzuki, M., Muharsyah, R., Suryanto, W., Sholihun, S., … & Tokay, A. (2022). Evaluation of GPM IMERG Performance Using Gauge Data over Indonesian Maritime Continent at Different Time Scales. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1172.

5.      Marzuki, M., Yusnaini, H., Tangang, F., Muharsyah, R., Vonnisa, M., & Harmadi, H. (2022). Land–sea contrast of diurnal cycle characteristics and rain event propagations over Sumatra according to different rain duration and seasons. Atmospheric Research, 270, 106051.

6.      R. Ramadhan, Marzuki, Harmadi, 2021, Vertical Characteristics of Raindrops Size Distribution over Sumatra Region from Global Precipitation Measurement Observation, Emerging Science Journal, 5(3), 257-268.


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